You are invited to join in the daily recitation and prayer
of the Hours of the Passion with others from
around the world as part of a living clock
General Advice
Participants should not worry if, on some days, it is not possible to fulfill their Hour.
The Hour does not have to be prayed at the time it occurs, it can be prayed at any time during the day.
There is no sin in not being able to fulfill the Hour. If, on some days, you are so pressed for time, maybe you can manage one paragraph or just one sentence. The Lord understands us!!
The term HOUR does not mean you have to pray for 60 minutes. Some Hours might occupy only 5-10 minutes.
You are free to remove yourself from the Hours of the Passion clock at any time by sending an email to [email protected].
If you think it appropriate, please let others know.
Prayers and Best Wishes
Tony Hickey
How it works:
1. You can choose a group from which to start (as their are 24 different hours from which one can start) or request us to allocate a starting hour and complete the form below.
2. Pray the same Hour each day for half the calendar month (1st to 15th, 16th to end of the month). Remember to pray the Opening and Closing Prayers.
3. Advance to the next chronological HOUR on the 1st and 16th of each month. You might prefer to divide the longer HOURS into 2, 3 or more sections and stay with the same section for a number of days, OR each day rotate from one section to the next and returning to your first section.
How to participate (Complete the form at the bottom of this page):
Choose your preferred group trying to even out the groups. Feel free to begin immediately with the hour you have chosen.​ Your name and location will be shown on our website when we do our next update.
Click here to see Groups 1-12 Click here to see Groups 13-24